"Live, adventure, travel, bless, and don't be sorry." ~ Jack Kerouac
“The raising of a child is the building of a cathedral. You can't cut corners." ~ Dave Eggers
“Live and act within the limit of your knowledge and keep expanding it to the limit of your life.” ~ Ayn Rand
My Grandfather's Boots

My Grandfather's Boots

From Utah Beach and across France, I had the rare opportunity to retrace my Grandfather's journey during WW2. Additionally, with the help of Frenchmen Philippe Sugg and Gerard Louis, I was able to envision his final days fighting in the Foret de Paroy and the French countryside [...]

By Michael D. Ketchum    24 October 2009
Thumbnail 2

On Fatherhood

I've been a tilting-at-windmills, practicing father for more than two decades now. I truly enjoy being a father, the fun AND the fumbles. I am a proud father and as father's around the world, I firmly believe MY kids are the best. They are. No, really. I wouldn't give this up for the world [...]

By Michael D. Ketchum    13 July 2014
Ordinary Man

Ordinary Man

Henry David Thoreau described my father to a "T" when he said, "Hero's are often the most ordinary of men". We miss you, Dad! [...]

By Michael D. Ketchum, 10 August 2014

Reading List

more good reads....
The River Why by David James Duncan

The River Why
by David James Duncan


by Christopher Moore

image by Brecht Vandenbroucke

My Mother

My mother passed on Tuesday, October 27th after an 8-month battle with glioblastoma. My grief feels a bit like a radio changing stations, trying to dial in more precisely on the guilt I have for not being more involved in my mom's everyday moments and tuning out the static. Missing her smile as I came around the corner every morning as she lived with us in that final month. [...]

By Michael D. Ketchum, 14 November 2020

What's So Funny?

What's So Funny?

There is, in short, far too much written on the subject of laughter for any one person to master; nor, frankly, would it be worthwhile to try. Confronted with the product of centuries of analysis and investigation, one is tempting to suggest that it is not so much laughter that defines the human species, as Aristotle is supposed to have claimed, but rather the drive to debate and theorize laughter. [...]

By Mary Beard  |  14 July 2014


Beulah Truck


Beulah Truck

Left of Center

Collage on Paper

Left of Center

Petra Columns


Petra Columns

Folie à Plusieurs
"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww!'" ~ Jack Kerouac, On the Road

About Me

Father, writer, poet, producer, director, actor, singer, guitarist, graphic designer, raconteur, excellent typist, determined, profound speaker, zero-gravity thinker, sage advisor, gruntled, skeptic, intermittently quixotic, historian, foodie, can open jars, reach top shelves, made mostly of water, part of a balanced breakfast...approaching all endeavors with a bit of Sprezzatura.