The Ketch Republik

Jan. 16, 2013

Today the term republic most commonly means a system of government which derives its power from the people rather than from any other basis, such as heredity or divine right. While I may like to think that sometimes fatherhood is a divine right, my children hold all the power. “The beginning is the most important part of the work.” ― Plato, The Republic . They are depending on me to inspire and equp them to go out and change the world. I will not let them down.

About Me

Father, writer, poet, producer, director, actor, singer, guitarist, graphic designer, raconteur, excellent typist, determined, profound speaker, zero-gravity thinker, sage advisor, gruntled, website builder, skeptic, intermittently quixotic, historian, foodie...approaching all endeavors with a bit of Sprezzatura.