• Cancun Coconuts

Art Details

  • Title:Cancun Coconuts
  • Type:Photography

My photography has a distinctive style that goes beyond documentation and simply capturing the moment. For me, the image is the catalyst that sparks a dialogue between the viewer and myself, the audience and the image. Good equipment can take you far, as can expert skills at image manipulation, but the true worth of a picture comes from the passion that created it. If that's lacking, the rest is meaningless. Distinctive compositions, spatial tension, justapositions, and the relationship of the subjects within the frame are what move me. Discovering something interesting in the ordinary, in the mundane.

About Me

Father, writer, poet, producer, director, actor, singer, guitarist, graphic designer, raconteur, excellent typist, determined, profound speaker, zero-gravity thinker, sage advisor, gruntled, website builder, skeptic, intermittently quixotic, historian, foodie...approaching all endeavors with a bit of Sprezzatura.